Ep 14 After Hours Bonus: Sex With Me with John McCarthy
What better way to cap off our time with John McCarthy than by explaining to him how Sex is like a Muddler, a cat, and a bicycle pump. Yikes. Lots of great pointers all in the bonus of episode 14, on Balderdash Academy

Ep 14, Pt 5: Technically Correct with John McCarthy
Even though Professor Marie educates us on hiccups, Nate can’t get over a hiccup he has during Technically Correct. Will this hurt his chances of winning this ridiculous “game show”? Only one way to find out, check out the next Balderdash Academy featuring Visiting Professor John McCarthy.

Ep 14, Pt 4: Mask Charade with John McCarthy
Bob teaches us how to spot fake ta-tas, Marie reclines on the job, Nate smokes us in Masked Charade, and visiting professor John McCarthy doles out some poignant career advice. Believe you me, I’m not being fake when I say you won’t want to miss the next part of Balderdash Academy! I mean, it’s always a good episode when it ends with a faculty member yelling “For Forks Sake”.

Ep 14, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with John McCarthy
Time to see how a high ball can lead to a high block. I promise I’m telling the tooth when I say that you won’t want to miss the next part of Balderdash Academy. Join us for a nostalgic walk down memory lane as we recount the bubonic plague in Italy and their affinity for flask laden carrier pigeons and medieval t-shirt cannons full of booze – plus roller derby in this next part of episode 14 with John McCarthy only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep14, Pt 2: A Conversation with Author John McCarthy
Steam those barrels and put the kids to bed, because everyone knows that when Visiting Professor John McCarthy stops by the school it’s PEAT week. It’s funny because peat, and whiskey and not like, some guy named Pete. -- Anyway. Join us as we talk mermaids, Angel booger sugar, Mrs. Whiskey Universe, and how not to make a high ball, all, on the next episode of Balderdash Academy

Ep 14, Pt 1: Four Questions about Whiskey with John McCarthy
Steam those barrels and put the kids to bed, because everyone knows that when Visiting Professor John McCarthy stops by the school it’s PEAT week. It’s funny because peat, and whiskey and not like, some guy named Pete. -- Anyway. Join us as we talk mermaids, Angel booger sugar, Mrs. Whiskey Universe, and how not to make a high ball, all, on the next episode of Balderdash Academy

Next Week: John McCarthy, Author & Journalist
Join us Dec 14th as we welcome Visiting Professor John McCarthy and get totally schooled in all things whiskey, wine, spirits and cocktails. Besides being a well-known alcohol aficionado, John is a seasoned, 25-year publishing veteran and former Senior Managing Editor at Men’s Health Magazine. He’s also the author of The Modern Gentleman: The Guide to the Best Food, Drinks, and Accessories, and Whiskey Rebels: The Dreamers, Visionaries & Badasses Who Are Revolutionizing American Whiskey coming in June of 2021. John is a founder and judge of the Barleycorn Awards a global Distillery Competition. If you like booze, laughing and learning cool stuff to impress people on Zoom with, you’ll want to make sure to catch the next episode of Balderdash Academy.