Ep 14, Pt 4: Mask Charade with John McCarthy
Bob teaches us how to spot fake ta-tas, Marie reclines on the job, Nate smokes us in Masked Charade, and visiting professor John McCarthy doles out some poignant career advice. Believe you me, I’m not being fake when I say you won’t want to miss the next part of Balderdash Academy! I mean, it’s always a good episode when it ends with a faculty member yelling “For Forks Sake”.

Ep 12, Pt 4: Mask Charade w/ Fred Greenhalgh
Judgment day approaches and there is a robot that can help. Stop by Balderdash Academy to find out how amazing this robot actually is! All on the next part of Episode 12 with Fred Greenhalgh on Balderdash Academy.

Computer Technologically Correct
We have offered a Special Guest Professor position to actor, playwright, improviser, nice guy, and general everyone’s-all-around-favorite-human,™ Randy Hunt. He said: “Oh gosh -- that sounds fun! I'd love to!” Which is the most Randy sentence that could ever exist. And yes, that is a direct quote.