Bring improv comedy, a trivia game show with real prizes, or team building to your next event. You can even book a live version of our hit Balderdash Academy’s Competetive Comedy, Teacher’s Lounge, or Head to Head Competitive Trivia game shows.
Featured on NBC’s 207, WIGY’s Breakfast Club,
Live Entertainment Options
Balderdash Academy brings unforgettable events to you, anywhere in New England. Kick back and laugh with our Balderdash Academy Live Improv, perfect for restaurants, clubs, conferences, and company parties. Challenge your friends and coworkers with Trivia Dash, our custom comedy trivia show. Hire our improv or game show team builders to grow the communication skills in your organization while having a blast doing it. Celebrate a celebrity in your organization with our Balderdash Academy Live or Head to Head Live. We have the live performance options to fit your event, time, and budget.
“But I want the one I saw online.”
You can now book the Balderdash Academy Game Show, Teacher’s Lounge, or Head to Head Competitive Trivia live at your location! You’ve seen us online and listened to the podcasts. You can now book us live.
Book Balderdash Academy.
Plan your next unforgettable event with real fun from Balderdash Academy. Let us know the date, time, and show selection: Improv, Trivia Dash, or Team Building. If you’d like to book a live version of one of our premier shows simply let us know which one you’d prefer: Balderdash Academy Live, Teacher’s Lounge Live, or Head to Head Live. A representative will get back to you with a quote.