Ep 17, Pt 4: Mask Charade with Dave Ciampa
Molly proves that the person performing the charade isn’t always left out in the cold. Coach Steve introduces an amazing new half time game right in time for this season’s final episode! Marie doesn’t choose Frankie Francisco as a real name, even though she knows someone with that name, Bob remains consistent, and Nate ignores his phone-a-friend. It’s a crazy part three of Balderdash Academy with special guest Professor Dave Ciampa.

Ep 16, Pt 4: Mask Charade w/ Joe Swenson
What did one trash panda say to the other trash panda? “You gonna eat that?” If you like that trash talk, you should choose the blue pill and watch us finish off some famous trash talk quotes on the next part of episode 16 only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 15, Pt 4: Mask Charade with Jesse Thaul
The amazing thing about Coach Steve is that he will say he knows something and then admit to not knowing anything about it 3 seconds later. AND he is great at pulling the BEST ideas from other people. Hail a taxi driver and check out the winning strategy for the New York Knicks that Coach Steve curated, all in this next part Balderdash Academy.

Ep 14, Pt 4: Mask Charade with John McCarthy
Bob teaches us how to spot fake ta-tas, Marie reclines on the job, Nate smokes us in Masked Charade, and visiting professor John McCarthy doles out some poignant career advice. Believe you me, I’m not being fake when I say you won’t want to miss the next part of Balderdash Academy! I mean, it’s always a good episode when it ends with a faculty member yelling “For Forks Sake”.

Ep 13, Pt 4: Mask Charade with Amanda Eaton
In this part of episode 13, we find out if former visiting professor Amy VonMacek can dominate Michael Jordan in Basketball or if the GRAVERTY of the situation will make her go to bed angry. All this and more on the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep 12, Pt 4: Mask Charade w/ Fred Greenhalgh
Judgment day approaches and there is a robot that can help. Stop by Balderdash Academy to find out how amazing this robot actually is! All on the next part of Episode 12 with Fred Greenhalgh on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 11, Pt 4: Mask Charade w/ Jack Meloche
The Balderdash Academy PR firm is at it again to help usher a little known football team into the 21st century with a new name! What could possibly go wrong?

Ep 10, Pt 4: What is the NBA’s Next Big Play?Mask Charade w/ Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates
The NBA bubble is old news, they need to shake some things up. Find out what our faculty think would be “good” ideas for them in part 4 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professors Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates.

Ep 9, Pt 4: Why is Daddy Always Happy? Mask Charade with David Blair
From “Daddy’s always happy” to the greatest movie many have never heard of, Half Time with Coach Steve and Mask Charade delivers in Part 4 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professor David Blair.

Ep 8, Pt 4: Mask Charade and What’s the Context with Jason Tardy
A lot can be done in three minutes. A weak cup of tea can be made. A post can be written. Teeth can be brushed. Jason can break a world record. Bob can ask a single question in an interview. Steve can rationalize an answer in Lie Lie Again. Molly can think of a movie title for Technically Correct. Marie can say something that can be used as a soundbyte. Nate can win over the Visiting Professor to ensure a victory. I can write this paragraph. A lot can be done.

Ep 7, Pt 4: Mask Charades w/ Shawn French
Our substitute Coach takes us to the bathroom and Marie flounders delightfully and shows us some skin in a harrowing game of masked charades that Bob probably still has nightmares about, all in this installment of Balderdash Academy with Shawn French.

Ep 6, Pt 4: Mask Charades with Jeff Peterson
We learn a lot in this episode of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professor Jeff Peterson. We learn that Magic Johnson's tweets are something else. We learn that pineapple upside-down cake was a fad years ago. We learn that when dribbling, swimsuits, and Godzilla are involved, Steve can only make it 40 seconds... and that, my friend, breaks a record.

Ep 5, Pt 4: Mash Charade with Dr Hal Cohen
Things get feisty when Molly forgets the Golden rule. Will Hal let that slide? Betty White and Betty Davis fight it out with Betty Wont officiating, probably. Does anyone actually ever read these things?

Ep 4, Pt 4: Mask Charade with David Hanright
Paul Pierce was with the Boston Celtics when he allegedly did something. Do you know what it was? Think we do? Tune in to find out. Also, don’t forget your note-taking tools as we explore how a Life Model Decoy can help if you are running late, American Royalty, and shower’s o’ gold all in this next part of episode four with Visiting Professor David Hanright. Only on Balderdash Academy.