Ep 10, Pt 4: What is the NBA’s Next Big Play?Mask Charade w/ Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates

The NBA bubble is old news, they need to shake some things up. Find out what our faculty think would be “good” ideas for them in part 4 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professors Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates.


All of Episode 10 in one neat little package you can listen to while driving, or working out, or sitting on the couch with a bag of chips. We don't judge.


Show Links

45 Plays for America’s First Ladies by Chloe Johnston, Sharon Greene, Genevra Gallo-­Bayiates, Bilal Dardai, & Andy Bayiates. A biographical, meta-theatrical, genre-bending ride through race, gender, and everything else your history teacher never taught you about the founding of America.
Catch their recorded show: Oct 13th – Nov 2nd.
Tickets are only $15 and the show is appropriate for high school-aged kids and up.

Robert LeBlanc

ROBERT J LEBLANC is a member of the Dramatist Guild and has been performing and writing for various media since the 90s. He is an award-winning playwright, actor, voice actor, artist, and the leader, head writer, host, improviser, and producer of the online comedy ensemble, Balderdash Academy, and their catalog of shows. He is the lead writer, director, producer, and creator of the live comedy radio show, On the Air!, writer and producer of the Sleuths Mystery Radio podcast, and owner of the interactive mystery-comedy company Sleuths Mystery Entertainment. He writes in a number of genres with a focus on comedy and the use of comedy in drama. He recently finished series development and writing of a new forthcoming series for the audio entertainment company Realm. His work has been produced across the country.


Ep 10, Pt 5: Do What with a Banana? Technically Correct with Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates


Ep 10, Pt 3: Who was on Unsolved Mysteries? Lie Lie Again with Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates