Ep 209 Pt3: Mozart's Musical Toot with Linda Hildonen and Daniel Bridgman
We inspect Mozart's weird fascination and have Technically Correct with Linda Hildonen and Daniel Bridgman.

Ep 208 Pt3: Michael Jackson Tried to Buy What? with Nick Gordon
Professor CarlaRose Dubois asks us to name what company did the King of Pop try to buy, we get down with Technically Correct, and have an upset win in Part three with Visiting Professor Nick Gordon.

Episode 207, Pt 3: Cowboy’s Cure for Hangover w/ DC Cathro, Playwright, Actor, Director
In this part, we hear from DC about playwrights to follow, have our quiz from Marie where we learn the cowboy's cure for a hangover, then we play Technically Correct, learn today's moral, and find the winner of Season 2, Episode 7!

Ep 206 Pt 3: The Galactic Cold Spot w/ Alisa Rosenthal
Tonight we ask the question "what is the cold spot in space?" Well, Nate asks it, we answer, plus Technically Correct in Part Three with Alisa Rosenthal.

Ep 204 Pt 3: Rian Johnson's James Bond with Ben Rameaka
Coach Steve is back to have us finish Rian Johnson's tweet and we play Technically Correct. All in Part Three with Visiting Professor Ben Rameaka.

EP 203 Pt 3: Synecdoche Correct w/ Allen Adams
Professor Molly McGill is back with her Word of the Show, Allen talks about his time on Jeopardy, and we play Technically Correct in the conclusion of Episode 203 with Allen Adams.

Ep 202 Pt3: Healthoween w/ Haunt ME
Professor Marie quizzes the faculty on health Halloween Candy, Plus fan-favorite Technically Correct and Episode Two's winner in part three with Haunt ME.

Ep 201 Pt 3: Can a Fright Turn Your Hair White? with Renee S. DeCamillis
Scared stiff, Technically Correct, and the winner of the first episode of Season 2 with Visiting Professor Renee S. DeCamillis.

Ep 17, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Dave Ciampa
Who will be Season One’s Grand Champion? Who will dethrone Season Zero’s non-existent Grand Champion to take it all? Will it be Marie, who brings a whole new meaning to the term red-handed in her Home Ec & Wellness pop quiz? Will it be Nate, who just wants to wrap his hands in deli meats? Or Molly, panicking for Technically Correct? Or maybe with Coach Steve, coasting along with calmness. Or CarlaRose and Randy, featured as Professors Not Appearing in this Episode? The answer is right here in the final part of Episode 17 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professor Dave Ciampa.

Ep 15, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Jesse Thaul
Listening to our faculty’s thoughts behind New Year’s resolutions makes me realize that they are aging sons of guns just trying to stay relevant by having a YouTube show. Oh, and it’s MAD-LIB time! Don’t miss out on catching which faculty member gets censored.

Ep 14, Pt 5: Technically Correct with John McCarthy
Even though Professor Marie educates us on hiccups, Nate can’t get over a hiccup he has during Technically Correct. Will this hurt his chances of winning this ridiculous “game show”? Only one way to find out, check out the next Balderdash Academy featuring Visiting Professor John McCarthy.

Ep 12, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Fred Greenhalgh
Keeping your eye on the prize really pays off! However, you may need to use some butter, flour, and bread crumbs if the prize is a jalapeño! Follow your nose to this next part of Balderdash Academy.

Ep 10, Pt 5: Do What with a Banana? Technically Correct with Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates
Holy bananas do we have a show for you. What is an unusual use for bananas? Marie has the details, plus fan-favorite Technically Correct all in part 5 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professors Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates.

Ep 7, Pt 5: Technically Correct w/ Shawn French
What do you do when a dog eats chocolate? Can you name today’s movies in Technically Correct? What’s the moral? Who’s going to win? Find in the next installment of Balderdash Academy with Shawn French.