Ep 206 Pt 3: The Galactic Cold Spot w/ Alisa Rosenthal
Tonight we ask the question "what is the cold spot in space?" Well, Nate asks it, we answer, plus Technically Correct in Part Three with Alisa Rosenthal.

Ep 201 Pt 3: Can a Fright Turn Your Hair White? with Renee S. DeCamillis
Scared stiff, Technically Correct, and the winner of the first episode of Season 2 with Visiting Professor Renee S. DeCamillis.

Ep 17, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Dave Ciampa
The best part of waking up is a pop tart in your pants. Whether the sun is shining or not. Follow us this-a-way for more hijinx and hilarity with Dave Ciampa, on the next part of Balderdash Academy–OH! Also, make sure you stick around and catch some “off-air points” that were awarded for a job well done!

Ep 16, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Joe Swenson
Is Molly lying to everyone again or is she actually telling the truth? It seems like the team is 3,000 feet up in the air with what they think. Why not grab your friend–gently–and find out on the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep 15, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Jesse Thaul
This may be the biggest episode of Balderdash Academy yet! We have a huge cliffhanger when it comes to the 30 Seconds or Less question. And, much like a cult favorite TV show, we may never find out the answer. Also, Nate gets into hot water with Millenials, a pig takes center stage, and Dawn Wells that ends well.

Ep 14, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with John McCarthy
Time to see how a high ball can lead to a high block. I promise I’m telling the tooth when I say that you won’t want to miss the next part of Balderdash Academy. Join us for a nostalgic walk down memory lane as we recount the bubonic plague in Italy and their affinity for flask laden carrier pigeons and medieval t-shirt cannons full of booze – plus roller derby in this next part of episode 14 with John McCarthy only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 13, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Amanda Eaton
Turkey Day may be over, but it’s never too late to learn how to make an apple pie using famed Chef Carl Sagan’s recipe. Join us while we Hollaback girls and Steve’s story of European Rollercoasting in this next part of episode 13 of Balderdash Academy with Amanda Eaton.

Ep 12, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Fred Greenhalgh
If you can’t go to a party hosted by a cosmetologist, then head to the mountains to have a beer in a blizzard. Come on, sing it with me: Oh what fun it is to have in a one beered opened gondola. In other thought, maybe don’t. Catch it all in Part 3 of Balderdash Academy with Fred Greenhalgh.

Ep 11, Pt 3: Which One of Our Faculty has been Produced Off-Broadway? Lie Lie Again w/ Jack Meloche
Steve gets stuck on a future president who got stuck in a tub. Nate gets booed by our visiting professor. And Bob says, “Now I know how uncomfortable everybody else felt.” Check it out in Part 3 of this week’s episode with Jack Meloche. It’s all here, on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 10, Pt 3: Who was on Unsolved Mysteries? Lie Lie Again with Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates
Molly starts with a Pupu Platter and ends with a pee face. We have a radioactive time trying to uncover our own unsolved mystery in part 3 of Balderdash Academy with visiting Professors Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates.

Ep 9, Pt 3: The Little Red Cyborg, Lie Lie Again with David Blair
An apple a day keeps the cyborgs away. An apple a day keeps everyone away if you throw it hard enough. It’s fruit-based social distancing. Thankfully Marie has a whole orchard full of them while making a commercial. Or does she? Find out on the next episode of Balderdash Academy where we play Lie, Lie Again.

Ep 8, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again and Tony Shalhoub’s Back Rub with Jason Tardy
We’ve all done weird things in college. Some of us joined fraternal organizations, some of us gave Tony Shalhoub back rubs in photo shoots. You know, the norm. See if Nate’s telling the truth about this last one in this installment.

Ep 7, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again w/ Shawn French
It’s astounding, but Molly claims to have gone to a Rocky Horror midnight show and was pulled up on stage. Did it happen? Had she gone before? Time is fleeting. Can you figure out if she’s telling the truth or lying in time before madness takes its toll?

Goodbye and Welcome
Join us by saying goodbye to a member of the faculty and then join us in welcoming a new one.