Goodbye and Welcome

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Mr Nate Greene will be stepping down as the Head of Guidance for Balderdash Academy. Nate is much loved by the students and Visiting Professors. He has been with Balderdash Academy since our inception. He will always be considered a part of the Balderdash Academy family. Nate will step down from his role at the end of August. Join us in wishing him well wherever his journey might take him.


Goodbye Nate. We’ll miss you.

Wherever you may go.


In unrelated news, we are pleased to announce that our administrative committee has selected the perfect candidate for the position of Professor of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). We welcome newcomer Nate Greene.


Welcome Nate Greene

Looking sciency in a NASA shirt.

Nate has decades of experience related to the position and comes with an impressive resume. He served as the Head of Guidance for a fake comedy boarding school where he was called upon to make presentations to the faculty and help interview visiting professors. We feel blessed that he has made the hard decision to leave his former employer and join our esteemed establishment.

Nate's first day on the job will be in early September. Join us in welcoming newcomer, Professor Nate Greene.

Robert LeBlanc

ROBERT J LEBLANC is a member of the Dramatist Guild and has been performing and writing for various media since the 90s. He is an award-winning playwright, actor, voice actor, artist, and the leader, head writer, host, improviser, and producer of the online comedy ensemble, Balderdash Academy, and their catalog of shows. He is the lead writer, director, producer, and creator of the live comedy radio show, On the Air!, writer and producer of the Sleuths Mystery Radio podcast, and owner of the interactive mystery-comedy company Sleuths Mystery Entertainment. He writes in a number of genres with a focus on comedy and the use of comedy in drama. He recently finished series development and writing of a new forthcoming series for the audio entertainment company Realm. His work has been produced across the country.


Ep 4 Bonus: Marie's Lie Lie Again


Ep 4 After Hours Bonus: Sex With Me