Wednesday: Ben Rameaka, Actor and Improviser
Our Visiting Professor for December is Ben Ramaeka, you’ve seen him on the final season of Broad City, Amazon Prime's Alpha House, The Iliza Schlesinger Sketch show on Netflix or in The Wolf Of Wall Street. Part One drops Wednesday on YouTube, Facebook Watch, IGTV, and on all major podcast providers

From the Vault: Ep 0 - Painterview
We experimented with a lot of games during the rehearsal. Some worked and needed to be modified, others worked in video but not in podcasts. This is one of the latter. We are pleased to present the lost game of Painterview, featuring Marie Stewart Harmon.

From the Vault: Ep 0 - Molly’s First Lie Lie Again
We look into the vault to Episode 0 to find out if Molly got her culinary start early with peanut butter and pickle sandwiches?

From the Vault: Ep 0 - Steve’s First Lie Lie Again
We look into the vault to Episode 0 to find out if Steve got suspended for stealing a sandwich?

From the Vault: Ep 0 - Nate’s First Lie Lie Again
In season one of Balderdash Academy, there were seventeen episodes and eighteen wins. How was that possible? Did our intern Alan mess up? Was there a glitch in the Matrix? Is this the new math? No. There was a hidden episode. It is our pleasure to announce Episode 0: The Rehearsal featuring Krystel Baker as our visiting professor.

From the Vault: Ep 0 - Marie’s First Lie Lie Again
In season one of Balderdash Academy, there were seventeen episodes and eighteen wins. How was that possible? Did our intern Alan mess up? Was there a glitch in the Matrix? Is this the new math? No. There was a hidden episode. It is our pleasure to announce Episode 0: The Rehearsal featuring Krystel Baker as our visiting professor.

Ep 17 After Hours Bonus: Vacation Sex With Me with Dave Ciampa
Watch us unravel as we get up in the undercarriage and get stuffed with daddy issues. That’s right, our last bonus episode of the season is Sex With Me! See how they all fit together in this final bonus episode of season only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 17, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Dave Ciampa
Who will be Season One’s Grand Champion? Who will dethrone Season Zero’s non-existent Grand Champion to take it all? Will it be Marie, who brings a whole new meaning to the term red-handed in her Home Ec & Wellness pop quiz? Will it be Nate, who just wants to wrap his hands in deli meats? Or Molly, panicking for Technically Correct? Or maybe with Coach Steve, coasting along with calmness. Or CarlaRose and Randy, featured as Professors Not Appearing in this Episode? The answer is right here in the final part of Episode 17 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professor Dave Ciampa.

Ep 17, Pt 4: Mask Charade with Dave Ciampa
Molly proves that the person performing the charade isn’t always left out in the cold. Coach Steve introduces an amazing new half time game right in time for this season’s final episode! Marie doesn’t choose Frankie Francisco as a real name, even though she knows someone with that name, Bob remains consistent, and Nate ignores his phone-a-friend. It’s a crazy part three of Balderdash Academy with special guest Professor Dave Ciampa.

Ep 17, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Dave Ciampa
The best part of waking up is a pop tart in your pants. Whether the sun is shining or not. Follow us this-a-way for more hijinx and hilarity with Dave Ciampa, on the next part of Balderdash Academy–OH! Also, make sure you stick around and catch some “off-air points” that were awarded for a job well done!

Ep17, Pt 2: A Conversation with Dave Ciampa
It’s time to sit back and reminisce about the wonders of 1980s television unless you’re coach Steve, then you’re learning about ‘80s TV. Whether it's an action-adventure show with a talking car or one with a talking Anne, Dave Ciampa is the podcasting professor with a solid A+ coming your way. Check it all out on the next part of Episode 17 only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 17, Pt 1: Four Questions about Knight Rider with Dave Ciampa
Our visiting professor, Dave Ciampa gets all Hasselhoff and brings gifts to our faculty. Steve gets a turtleneck, Marie scores a sleek leather jacket, Nate lucks out with a perm, and Molly, well, she gets an Alpha Circuit. Dave is definitely a giver! Don’t miss this episode with Visiting Professor Dave Ciampa.

Next Week: Dave Ciampa, Podcaster, Actor
Join us on January 25th for our last episode of the season with Visiting Professor Dave Ciampa. Dave is a Podcaster and co-hosts Ciampa & Klein: The Knight Rider Years (soon to be C&K: The Airwolf Years) with Greg Klein and Call Me Cordelia with his wife, Kristin. If you love cheesy 80s TV, Anne of Green Gables, and pop culture references, don’t miss the next episode of Balderdash Academy.

Ep 16 After Hours Bonus: Vacation Sex and More With Me with Joe Swenson
Let the Balderdash Academy crew give you some pointers for your next vacation. Having issues with your sex life? We can help there too! We even hit some sports. We prove that a group of improvisers can be a safe place to stop for some jock-ular type tips. We are a jack-of-all-trades kinda school. The proof is in the pudding so take a taste with the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep 16, Pt 5: Technically Correct with Joe Swewnson
Now, now, don’t find yourself in a hairy situation. You may come for the Home Ec pop quiz and Technically Correct, but you’ll stay for a Mad-Lib rap in our post-credit scene. You’re gonna want to watch to the end, only on the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep 16, Pt 4: Mask Charade w/ Joe Swenson
What did one trash panda say to the other trash panda? “You gonna eat that?” If you like that trash talk, you should choose the blue pill and watch us finish off some famous trash talk quotes on the next part of episode 16 only on Balderdash Academy.

Ep 16, Pt 3: Lie Lie Again with Joe Swenson
Is Molly lying to everyone again or is she actually telling the truth? It seems like the team is 3,000 feet up in the air with what they think. Why not grab your friend–gently–and find out on the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep16, Pt 2: A Conversation w/ Joe Swenson
Don’t fear the Cuban Sandwich that is 300 miles away. As a former US Marine, Joe Swenson is here to protect you and direct you to safety. As a theater and film director, Joe Swenson is also here to protect you and direct you to safety. Basically, what we’re saying, is that Joe has it covered. Learn all about his artistic style and how he was able to adapt to the pandemic. Catch it all here in our conversation with Visiting Professor Joe Swenson in the next Balderdash Academy.

Ep 16, Pt 1: Four Questions about Seattle w/ Joe Swenson
Today we welcome visiting professor Joe Swenson. Joe is an actor, improviser, director, producer, president of the production company, Broken Arts Entertainment, and author of “Letter #3” and “The Key”. Yes, we have Joe as our visiting professor today but the real draw for Part 1 of Episode 16 has to be Steve’s rapping! Seriously. Watch Coach drop some beats only on Balderdash Academy.

Next Week: Joe Swenson, Actor, Improviser, Producer
Join us on January 11th as we welcome visiting professor Joe Swenson. Joe is an actor, improviser, director, producer, president of the production company, Broken Arts Entertainment, and author of “Letter #3” and “The Key”. If you like Seattle sports, filmmaking, playwriting, and comedy, make sure to catch the next episode of Balderdash Academy.