Ep 6 Lie Lie Again Bonus: Did Nate Go to Space Camp?
Bob claims that Nate went to Space Camp. Nate backs him up. Did he? Who knows? Well, Bob and Nate presumably. Did he go? Did he get to see the Space Shuttle? Did he sit in it and accidentally gets launched into orbit? I'm guessing no on those last two parts because if something like that actually happened we'd have heard about it. I have no idea about the other two. What do you think? Find out the truth in this special bonus episode of Balderdash Academy.

Ep 5 Lie Lie Again Bonus: Molly’s Last Meal
Molly says that she knows what she’d have for her last meal. Is she telling the truth? Look, we don’t have lie detectors, so we can’t say for sure. We’re way too broke for that. In this case, all we have is our keen intuition… which, honestly, kinda blows when it comes to figuring out if Molly is lying or not. Can you spot her “tells”?

Ep 4 Bonus: Marie's Lie Lie Again
Now that you know how Marie likes to be towed, check out our next bonus episode where she tries to convince us that a car is not needed as long as you have thumbs and a beer.