Teacher's Lounge Episode 30: High Recognition
As the school preps for the big homecoming game against Veritas Prep the faculty decide to introduce a new award while a new store opens downtown. Don't miss this next episode of Balderdash Academy's Teacher's Lounge.

Moments in History: Volume 2
We're back with Moments in History Volume 2. In volume 2 we have a President who was also a professional wrestler, a sandwich in space, garden hermits, and bat bombs. That last one wasn't a typo.

Moments in History: Volume 1
A fan-favorite of Teacher's Lounge has been our Moments in History. It's been a while since we've had one and since we need a week off to prepare for an important Visiting Professor on the Balderdash Academy podcast we've decided to compile some of the popular ones here. Here are almost 2 and a half hours of the faculty performing select moments in history. We'll be back with Episode 30 in two weeks!

Teacher's Lounge Episode 29: Interview
While the faculty try to plan what happens next in extracurricular activities Officer Broderick gets a clean bill of health, Flip Axeman is back with the House of Heavy Metal, we hear from Balderdash County's ad firm, and the Doctor gives a review. Don't miss this next episode of Balderdash Academy's Teacher's Lounge.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 28: Zipped Hauntings
The faculty plans Balderdash County Old Home Days, ziplines make an appearance, the Ghoulle family opens a Scare B&B and BCPD responds to a jailbreak all in this episode of Balderdash Academy's Teacher's Lounge.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 27: Weird Genesis
After a seagull-related mishap at the school, a number of faculty have the week off. With so few staff on-site, things get weird.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 26: Off-Topic
Topics have a way of getting derailed in this episode of Balderdash Academy.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 25: Court-Mandated Fun
There's no fun like court-mandated fun. Is there a supervillain in Balderdash County?

Teacher's Lounge Episode 24: Blue Subs
We have teachers out and few subs to speak of. Can the school survive until the professors get back? When they do, will the staff behave?

Teacher's Lounge Episode 23: Just Spitballing Here
We meet new faces in Balderdash County after our professors spitball some ideas in their afternoon meeting.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 22: Botanical Confidence
From botanical gardens to confidence schemes, we explore it all in this episode of Balderdash Academy's Teacher's Lounge.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 21: Candid Assessments
It’s time to be candid here at Balderdash Academy. Candid assessments at the school, confessions at work, reality in finances, truth in family visits, a deal gone wrong, and much more in this candid episode.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 20: Probing Questions
Weird disturbances happen throughout the County. Lights in the sky, cows go missing, and a strange object above city hall. The BCPD is on the scene. Should we panic? Yes. Yes, we should.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 19: Graffiti
Graffiti and misunderstandings abound in the Teacher's Lounge. This week we find out that Albert, everyone's favorite janitor, has an enemy, we get aggressive with your finances, check-in with the Botanist's Club, and listen to Hot Tuna.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 18: Wedding Season
On Valentine's Day substitute teachers Patrick Darne and Gertie Gorsch got engaged live on Balder 97.5's House of Heavy Metal. After a few months, the faculty are finally getting around to help plan for the big day.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 17: The Ballad of Balderdash Bill
It's almost Balderdash Bill Day in Balderdash County. Will Balderdash Bill see his shadow and give us 6 more weeks of mud season?

Teacher's Lounge Episode 16: Cryptids and the Hermit
Balderdash Academy allows Sam Squatch and the Balderdash Cryptid Society to launch an investigation in the school's woods while Homer and Hiram hunt for the Balderdash Pond Hermit.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 15: Dream Jobs
Officers Roderick and Broderick of the BCPD are on the case and someone is going down.

Yes, Even We Crack Us Up Sometimes
We have a blast recording the podcast. Sometimes the giggles come and we can’t hold it in. Here’s what happens when the recording devolves into us barely keeping it together.

Teacher's Lounge Episode 14: Water Sports
The faculty find an interesting way to fix a landscaping issue. The results get out of hand.