Randy Hunt
Performer, Improviser
If it's theatre related, Randy Hunt does it -- acting, directing, playwriting, and even stage managing…once (though he likely won't be stage managing ever again – hats off to the Stage Managers out there). He is very proud of the award-winning short plays he's written, and is particularly proud of his first full-length play, Inside Man, that was released in November 2021. Randy is also a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.
Randy enjoys performing improv, especially since Southern Maine and New England have so many talented improvisers to work with.
Randy also cohosts DeScripted, a podcast where he and his cohost Tyler Costigan take a closer look at the plays that have won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama since it was first awarded in 1918. He is also the cohost of Balderdash Academy’s Head to Head: Competitive Trivia with Coach Steve.
Randy is thrilled to be a part of the Balderdash Academy family (and we ARE family!) More information about Randy can be found on his website, www.randyhunt.info. A number of his plays can be found on New Play Exchange, https://newplayexchange.org/users/32863/randy-hunt.