Ep 4 Bonus: Behind the Scenes with Dave

If you love the idea behind buffets, check out our next bonus episode. You will get some behind the scene samplings that take you from Maskerbation to a heartfelt “Thank you” and “we miss you”. It’s a beautiful window into our family of Chamber of Comedy improv performers housed at the Maine Repertory Theater.

We can’t wait to be back goofing around with David, Steve Burnette, and the rest of the Chamber of Comedy gang in person. Check out the GoFundMe Page donate. They need our help. And it’s cheaper than therapy.


Listen to all three bonus episodes in the podcast without waiting. Because waiting sucks.

Robert LeBlanc

ROBERT J LEBLANC is a member of the Dramatist Guild and has been performing and writing for various media since the 90s. He is an award-winning playwright, actor, voice actor, artist, and the leader, head writer, host, improviser, and producer of the online comedy ensemble, Balderdash Academy, and their catalog of shows. He is the lead writer, director, producer, and creator of the live comedy radio show, On the Air!, writer and producer of the Sleuths Mystery Radio podcast, and owner of the interactive mystery-comedy company Sleuths Mystery Entertainment. He writes in a number of genres with a focus on comedy and the use of comedy in drama. He recently finished series development and writing of a new forthcoming series for the audio entertainment company Realm. His work has been produced across the country.


Next Week: The Doctor is In.


Ep 4 Bonus: Marie's Lie Lie Again