Balderdash Academy

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Ep 10, Pt 4: What is the NBA’s Next Big Play?Mask Charade w/ Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates

The NBA bubble is old news, they need to shake some things up. Find out what our faculty think would be “good” ideas for them in part 4 of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professors Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates.

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45 Plays for America’s First Ladies by Chloe Johnston, Sharon Greene, Genevra Gallo-­Bayiates, Bilal Dardai, & Andy Bayiates. A biographical, meta-theatrical, genre-bending ride through race, gender, and everything else your history teacher never taught you about the founding of America.
Catch their recorded show: Oct 13th – Nov 2nd.
Tickets are only $15 and the show is appropriate for high school-aged kids and up.