Balderdash Academy

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Ep 10 Bonus: Behind the Scenes w/ Andy Bayiates and Genevra Gallo-Bayiates

Pay some attention to the man behind the curtain in the next bonus of Balderdash Academy with Visiting Professors Genevra Gallo-Bayiates and Andy Bayiates.

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45 Plays for America’s First Ladies by Chloe Johnston, Sharon Greene, Genevra Gallo-­Bayiates, Bilal Dardai, & Andy Bayiates. A biographical, meta-theatrical, genre-bending ride through race, gender, and everything else your history teacher never taught you about the founding of America.
Catch their recorded show: Oct 13th – Nov 2nd.
Tickets are only $15 and the show is appropriate for high school-aged kids and up.