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PortFringe Special: Hal Cohen and You’ve Always Loved the Sun - On a Dare Productions

We were lucky to sit down with Hal Cohen to talk about his new PortFringe show "YTou’ve Always Loved the Sun.”

Show Description: A man was casually watching his gentle neighbors one day. They were in their front yard. He heard them speak only one sentence. This man then told me what he heard and saw. He was surprised. So was I. And I wondered if I could tell their story in only one sentence.

Artist Description: We are not a company per se. We are a collaborative effort, a gaggle of artists if you will. I thought puppets were needed for this piece. Thus I asked Elliot Nye to join me. Elliot thought a second puppeteer was needed. Thus he asked David Handwerker to join us. I thought we needed a talented and graceful actor to join us. Thus I asked Amanda Painter. This is our company. We are from Portland Maine.

Schedule: YOU’VE ALWAYS LOVED THE SUN is part of PF22 Event #6 and will be presented with two other short PF22 shows – WHAT IS TO BE DONE? BY NIKOLAI CHERNYSHEVSKY and THEY TOLD YOU ABORTION WAS UGLY: POETRY ABOUT REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE – on the following schedule:

Wednesday, June 15 @ 9:00PM – at PortFiber

Friday, June 17 @ 7:00PM – at Goodfire

Saturday, June 18 @ 6:30PM – at Maine Studio Works

Tickets at:

Presented by PortFringe

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