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Ep 9, Pt 3: The Little Red Cyborg, Lie Lie Again with David Blair

Cyborgs. Random, I know, but hear me out. What is a cyborg other than a portmanteau of “cybernetic” and “Organism”? The term was coined by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline in 1960 to refer to a living being with biomechatronic body parts. Do they actually exist here in the wonderful future of “we-don’t-have-flying-cars-and-can’t-safely-leave-the-house” 2020? Nate tries to find out.

Also, I’ve heard that an apple a day keeps the cyborgs away. That’s the phrase, right? No? Well, if you throw it hard enough, an apple a day keeps everyone away. It’s fruit-based social distancing. 

Thankfully Marie is safe. She has a whole orchard full of them while making a commercial for Angry Orchard. Or does she? 

I’m not going to tell you. That’s the game. Did she shoot a regional ad? We know she’s done commercials before. It’s up to you to figure out in Lie Lie Again. Okay, it’s up to us to figure out, but you get to play along at home, sans-apples.

It’s a wild ride today in Part 3 of Episode 9 with Visiting Professor David Blair.

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