Balderdash Academy

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Sunday, March 3

Cody had a good overnight! His nurse's phone was acting up again, so this time I didn't wait and I requested to talk to the charge nurse. His nurse was actually on break, but the charge was just in with him a few minutes prior. She helped his nurse with a linen change.. again. Aside from being in between sizes in diapers, he had a great night!!!

I didn't call this morning. Ben went in a bit before I did. I stayed back to shower. I was fairly confident I knew who we had for a nurse and Ben would have been there by the time I got an update. I was hot walking in this morning and sneezing! I guess it's Spring!

When I got in Cody was napping. It was a big day for him!!! His sedation medication was turned OFF and his Nitric was weaned to 1! That's one part per million! Million of what? I'm not sure. I'm only halfway through my medical degree.

Coco was in and out of sleep most of the afternoon. Ben and I grabbed some lunch and then took a quick trip back to the apartment. Many months ago I bought some Crayola air-dry clay so we could do hand print and footprint impressions with Coco. Ben got some great prints and I'm going to try to get some more tomorrow too.

Once Coco woke up it was Daddy's turn to snuggle. Cody was so comfortable he fell into a very deep and cozy sleep!! Cody and Daddy cuddled for hours until Ben had to go home. I took over once Ben got up and held Cody for another 2 and a half hours. He was not as settled with Momma as he was with Daddy, but I did get some smiles!

I stayed for rounds and was very happy to listen in on a dull report!!! The only thing Cody is being monitored for is sedation withdrawals. There's already a comfort plan ordered for him.

Cody could go to cath tomorrow afternoon, but it's unlikely.

I will keep an eye out for Cody's story on Newscenter Maine/ channel 6. I'll check online, but I may reach out to the reporter and ask her what time it will air. I'll keep everyone posted!

Thank You for Everything. Your love and support for Cody are unmatched and very appreciated!!

Love Always

Ben, Taryn, and Cody

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