Balderdash Academy

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A Randy Theatre

One year ago today we announced that Professor Randy Hunt would join the faculty of Balderdash Academy as our new Professor of Computer Technology. It was an easy decision on account that we asked Randy to join us as a full member and he got to pick his own position at our celebrated fake school. We didn’t have to do anything other than add his name and photo to the website.

Today, he’s making us do it again.

It is our pleasure to announce Randy Hunt as our new Professor of the Performing Arts. Like we copy and pasted from our announcement last year, Randy is one of those all-around theateristas (I’ve used it twice in print. One more and it’ll officially be a new word coined. by me, Alan Smithee.) Acting, directing, playwriting, reluctant stage-managing, improvising, exotic dancing, he’s done five of those things.

He is a lauded actor receiving critical praise from those whose opinions matter for his roles as Frederich Fellows in Noises Off at Schoolhouse Arts Center, Oliver Warbucks in Annie at Windham Center Stage Theatre, and again at Lisbon High School / Community Theatre. 

He is an award-winning playwright who, along with our Headmaster, are proud members and participants of the Crowbait Club playwriting deathmatch. Yes, it is as cool as it sounds. His play Mummy and Me was performed on At the Table: A Play Reading Series. He also finished his first full-length play Inside Man in 2021.

Randy is an improviser. Improvisation is the one common thread among the faculty of the school. He’s a joy to be on stage with and really embodies the improv ideal. He is a proud member of the ComedySportz Maine improv team and can often be found on our sister-in-spirit show, The Same Game, from our friends at The Fresnel Theater.

Randy also hosts the podcast We All Have a Story, which highlights the stories of the people around us. It’s a casual conversation with everyday people. Since Randy is so easy to talk to you can actually hear the people he interviews let down their guard and just talk. I’m hooked on it. He even had Bob, Steve, and Marie on the podcast.

We are thrilled that Randy has moved to become our new Professor of the Performing Arts and we look forward to whatever new position he makes up for himself in another year.

Listen to Randy on Balderdash Academy’s Teacher’s Lounge and check out his website for more information,