Balderdash Academy

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Ep 5, Pt 4: Mash Charade with Dr Hal Cohen

Things get feisty when Molly forgets the Golden rule. Will Hal let that slide? Betty White and Betty Davis fight it out with Betty Wont officiating, probably. Does anyone actually ever read these things?

I’m betting no, so I’m going to rant. Red Dwarf comes up in this episode. I love Red Dwarf. I own every series except Red Dwarf: The Promised Land. Know why I don’t own Red Dwarf: The Promised Land? Because it’s only available on a proprietary streaming platform. Seriously.

Look, streaming platforms are great and all, but eventually there’s got to be a tipping point. I’m in the USA so I’m already paying a half a paycheck and my first born child every month for internet plus $1,200 a month in student loans. Add into that the $37.95 I’m paying monthly to watch the five shows I care about and I’m basically, “I wish I could afford ramen” rich. And heaven forbid I want to listen to music.

Remember when T.V. was free with commercials? Good times.

Oh, right. Remember the show? Balderdash Academy? The reason you came to this site? Here’s the next part.

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